Wednesday 25 October 2017

New work and a busy day.


Above is the drawing I finished last evening and it took time to 'max' it out but I got there and happy with it/them.... Below gives you a bit of a close-up of what went on the page.

As I have most of my art drops have been found I thought I would do more but I only had time to do one little one as we had a busy day at the workshop today. In the morning we had seven for a portrait drawing session myself and my son became models for them to draw.

This afternoon gave us good weather and we were able to utilize it so we did having plenty of drying space for our 'Shabori' workshop and this afternoon was sold out and below are some of the results.

After the workshop I was greeted by this image in our cleaning bucket, multi-coloured bubbles, you don't see them everyday, well I don't....

After the workshop, I had just started another drawing in my book but the pens I started it with has run out so change of plan is in order and a change of pen too.

This evening I have been back out doing a guitar lesson and am now back writing this and thinking about how my latest drawing will continue.

A good day today.


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